Monday 12 October 2015

Tales of the Unexpected - 5 things I did NOT expect when introducing the IDEA of change in my school:

1. Strong support from the start

After presenting to our school council the plans we have to improve the quality of instruction for our students I truly did not expect the school council and staff to broadly support them. They did so with few questions. I was pleased to see that the preparation I put into the presentation was effective.

2. Change in staff behaviour

Even resistant staff are now making modifications to the way they use devices and technologies in their classroom. The narrative we are providing through regular PLT meetings and discussion is having some impact.

3. Change in staff behaviour at the last minute, just when I was about to give up.

This has happened twice now, and both times I have been amazed.

4. The difference between knowing and feeling.

I knew about the implementation dip, and was expecting some push back. What I didn't expect was the way I felt when the push back descended into personal attacks and "kitchen sinking". At least two individuals opted for character assassination over face to face discussion with me. Having always prided myself on my ability to develop positive relationships within the school community, this behaviour was unexpected and extremely upsetting. I expected pushback, questions and argument about curriculum issues. I did not expect personal attacks on my integrity and professional conduct.

5. I have changed.

Since the beginning of the year I have introduced a number of changes, and suggested a number of programs. In the past I would have beaten myself up if they did not work out, or if they needed to be tweaked as time passed. Now I recognise that change is a process and that there is room for mistakes along the way. I also understand that everything I try does not HAVE to be perfect.