Thursday 30 April 2015

Readings and viewings sinking in

I used to think that I was leading people by helping them to learn how to use new tech tools, giving them information about where to find great teaching resources or by providing a schedule or action plan. I thought that if I said I would help them, things would work, but I now see that people need to understand and believe in a change or new approach before they are open to learning how to do it.
I was also relying on my personal qualities (being honest and empathetic, compassionate, hardworking, positive, authentic, enthusiastic) to build strong relationships and therefore credibility to carry through my plans for change. I am starting to see that these things are important, but I need to combine my personal influence and skills with my knowledge and  understanding that people need to see what is in it for student learning....

People won't make changes for me because they like me, or because they trust me, but because I can show them how their students will achieve more if they follow me.

Of course, if they don't want to improve student learning that is something for another conversation.........

Monday 27 April 2015

Week 8 Reading finished

Fullan's article 8 Forces for Leaders of Change has me feeling better about the pace of change in my school. A clear vision coupled with pressure and support will be more effective than charismatically strutting in with a big vision alone. Persistence is essential and it is important to create coherence as you go along...recognising that change is a process, not just a new policy or protocol that everyone follows because the leader thinks it is a good idea (even when there is evidence to fully support the leader's belief) Bang! A new epiphany! Even if you KNOW a change is the best way forward, you still have to lead people through it............

Sunday 26 April 2015


After reading the NMC Horizon report, I am glad I chose to change my career direction 14 years ago and become a much change is happening and still coming that has the capacity to make our students' learning experiences rich and stimulating. How cool is that!!
Can you be in love with the future???????

My last post from a different pov

To do list:

What can I do to support Grade 2 students in using the IWB

Teach two students how to set up the laptop

Provide them with a range of online and software activities linked to the learning intention of the lesson.

Develop norms of behaviour with the group around using the IWB for exploring a text.

Invite students and teachers from the upper primary class to see how the IWB is being used.

How do I get students excited about sharing their learning

Create a video using student reflections then teach two more students how to use iMovie or Movie Maker to create their own.

How can my students develop reading and viewing skills using the IWB?

How can an IWB help students to evaluate and judge information in the news - an example of authentic learning.

How can students collaborate outside the school using the IWB/MS Lync?

Lone nuts

It could be that others perceive my motivation as for myself rather than for improving student learning, because I do not clearly state this. Perhaps I assume that it is implicit in my words and actions. Work is more satisfying for me if my students are achieving their best and reaching their potential....perhaps I need to leave out my desire for professional satisfaction when I talk about the things we are doing or want to do and just focus on student learning.... Some people don't believe in altruism, which quite honestly hurts my feelings.

However, my other belief about good leadership is that people should know who you are and what you stand for.....

or maybe I just talk too fast....

Saturday 25 April 2015

Facilitating use of digital content and devices at my school

To do list for role modelling how to use IWB in class

Connect a laptop permanently to IWB in rear of my classroom

Install Teamboard and calibrate

Allocate groups of students within literacy and maths sessions to use the IWB independently

? consider connecting at school the unused Wii that is sitting in cupboard here.

Teach students how to use Freshgrade or Seesaw

Work out how to get photos and videos off the iPads in an efficient way - Dropbox or camera connector?

School climate and respect

This may seem random but there is a point.....

What questions can we ask teachers to help them to understand why consistent language and rules are important?

How do feel when the principal changes the "rules" and doesn't tell you what is going on?
How do you feel when you don't know about things that are going on at school?

What do teachers do that is disrespectful to other teachers? And can we agree on it?
ie Make unilateral decisions about playground behaviour and safety
turn up late for agreed meetings/duties/PD, fail to take action on decisions made in meetings.
fail to keep up with communications - how do you communicate with people who won't read emails or noticeboards and then can't remember or agree on the content of verbal exchanges.
How do you create change with people who won't play the game?
How do we make people feel comfortable airing their grievances?

Then how do we lead staff into the unknown of 21st Century skills?

AND what impact does this sort of discord have on student learning?
Children get inconsistent messages about what is the correct behaviour in class and in the playground. They learn that there is one rule for one teacher,  and they learn that the teacher making their own rules thinks that they know better than the serves to undermine the leader and perpetuates the problem.

Am thinking that this week's PD with me about fixed vs growth mindsets might be very timely!

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Saturday 18 April 2015

From my ARP plan

’m doing more with digital tools and content than I thought I was.

To lead others (colleagues and parents ), to show how they are being used effectively I could make these changes

  • document in work program and show other teachers how to do the same
  • Teach the upper classroom teacher how to use the Managed INdividual Data plan for recording On Demand data
  • Teach students how to use iPads for recording what they have learned using this format
    • Choose one piece of work
    • Explain WHY we were doing the task
    • Explain WHAT you did
    • Explain HOW you did it

  • include a digital tool/item of the week in the newsletter explaining how digital tools and content help kids to learn.

I think I have to tell people more clearly what I am doing in class and why I am doing it. The change in leadership practice is that I need to persist and/or change my language to keep the message strong and accessible. AND I’ve realised that I can get through to other teachers by focussing my language on the benefits for student learning - I believe that it is implicit in everything I do, but others seem to need me to SAY it.

Does this make sense Alan?

Thursday 16 April 2015

Thought Bubbles of the Random Kind

Thought I would do a mental stocktake of things going on. I have now learned how to use Blogger, which is pretty good. I've had a Twitter account for 6 years, and was occasionally using it , but am finding that it is now much more useful, because there are more people using it for professional purposes. I have used Google Docs before, and don't mind it. It will be easier to use when I get the TSS to upgrade my L420 to Windows 8. Am seriously considering getting a Mac in next year's notebook rollover.  I've learned how to use Vimeo, and am also keen to use iPads for video and movie making, as the Edustar video tools are not as quick to use.

As I write I am cognisant of the need for all of us to try out different things and be flexible and decisive in how we continue to use them (or not). Digital technology tools allow us to do we don't have to be married to an idea to try it out.

I have found the Bastow 307 site useful too, although it would be really good if the information in the LSDA guide online matched what was in the printed version. This is the hazard of providing participants both - one digital version would allow us to check it. For example, I was looking up the Personal e-journal and learning plan guide and template, just to tune my brain back in and it mentions using the Scootle community......not blogger. I feel like I'm being a bit picky, but just when you think you are on the right track you read something different. I also empathise about the time pressures we all face in all of our roles.

For my ARP I am investigating Freshgrade to create online portfolios of the work of my Grade 2 students.  I am pretty sure  my timeline is completely out of whack - it will be updated!

Evidence of learnng

Have found that:
iPads are better than laptops for young students to use to record oral reflections.

Kids who know the alphabet can use a Magnetic Letter app to build words they know, and even for publishing their writing.

We have been photographing learning products (bookwork, craft items, work displays and constructions from lego etc).

Also taught grade 1s today how to print screen and paste online products (ie pictures created on sites like abcya) which were then pasted into a PPT file which the kids can build up over the term to show parents..... probably should try explain everything or something else on the ipAD or prezi....will see if my new twitterati can help with that...have joined the one alan set up.

I;ve seen one teacher use Showbie -

and today, completely off the topic got a site called Go Noodle - it has brain break videos for kids to watch...........................rockin!

Monday 13 April 2015

Collecting data - this is what I have done so far

26th March
  • Set up school twitter account to share SNFL Footy Clinic

Sun 12 April
  • Have spent quite a bit of time connecting via twitter with a number of people and organisations
  • Made lists in Twitter to direct my tweet traffic
  • Registered for Seesaw and Freshgrade and will trial a portfolio with my 8 Grade 2 kids - probably one writing and one maths task.
  • - will try tweeting some stuff from PE lessons to see if we get any response

Friday 10 April 2015


Question to myself: why am I doing this course?
I know that I can effectively use digital learning tools and activities with students who can read and are above age 7. My ARP is about using digital learning effectively with early primary students, to show that it can be done. However, I don't believe that even good work in this area will catapult resistant colleagues out of their refusal to change. Effective leaders must be positive and open to change.... so my focus is now turned to raising the level of understanding within the rest of the school community. This in turn will make others appear even more out of touch perhaps. Now back to my list of things I haven't done for work yet.