Saturday 25 April 2015

Facilitating use of digital content and devices at my school

To do list for role modelling how to use IWB in class

Connect a laptop permanently to IWB in rear of my classroom

Install Teamboard and calibrate

Allocate groups of students within literacy and maths sessions to use the IWB independently

? consider connecting at school the unused Wii that is sitting in cupboard here.

Teach students how to use Freshgrade or Seesaw

Work out how to get photos and videos off the iPads in an efficient way - Dropbox or camera connector?


  1. Hey Angela, could I suggest a slightly different spin?

    Can you perhaps focus on the VERBS (what you want to achieve using the various tools) and then link to the tools themselves?

  2. I'd strongly suggest Anglea that, as an example of what Nikki is saying, your first point "To do list for role modelling how to use IWB in class" would be far more powerful, far more likely to be motivational for less technology inclined teachers if it read instead something like: "To do list for role modelling how IWBs can excite student's curiosity" or "stimulate reflection" or whatever. You no doubt intend this, but when talking with less enthused teachers, or those who do not have your level of understanding, we need to join the dots so they get it.

  3. hahaha - thanks Nikki and Alan - this is exactly what I'm talking about! I know exactly what I will get the kids to do, but am focussing on explaining what the teachers need to do ( in the name of being explicit and helpful to them). Another post is coming up........
