Monday 13 April 2015

Collecting data - this is what I have done so far

26th March
  • Set up school twitter account to share SNFL Footy Clinic

Sun 12 April
  • Have spent quite a bit of time connecting via twitter with a number of people and organisations
  • Made lists in Twitter to direct my tweet traffic
  • Registered for Seesaw and Freshgrade and will trial a portfolio with my 8 Grade 2 kids - probably one writing and one maths task.
  • - will try tweeting some stuff from PE lessons to see if we get any response


  1. Hi Angela, you are a busy woman! Great work.

    In terms of collecting data, don't forget the e-confidence survey(s), feedback and insights from your school team members as well as other members of the leadership team, students and parents as possible options :)

  2. Join a few hashtag discussions too Angela. Ask people what they are using to gather evidence for early years perhaps?

  3. Thanks Alan and Nikki for the feedback. I've joined that group Alan and added more to my ARP google doc........
