Friday 10 April 2015


Question to myself: why am I doing this course?
I know that I can effectively use digital learning tools and activities with students who can read and are above age 7. My ARP is about using digital learning effectively with early primary students, to show that it can be done. However, I don't believe that even good work in this area will catapult resistant colleagues out of their refusal to change. Effective leaders must be positive and open to change.... so my focus is now turned to raising the level of understanding within the rest of the school community. This in turn will make others appear even more out of touch perhaps. Now back to my list of things I haven't done for work yet.


  1. Good luck back at school this week Angela - I think the deeper your understanding of change, the better you can strategise for its effective enactment. It takes a lo to catapult anyone who is resistant - but understanding why they may be resistant and putting together the right sorts of strategies in place will help. Looking forward to hearing how your ARP is going.

  2. I don't know about you Angela, but once I have made up to do something I just want to get on with it and feel frustrated when others don't feel the same. Really though, we all take different times to come to grips with change. Some want to bury their heads and pretend nothing is happening. Others plug their ears and hope it will all go away. Others move, but not as fast as you want. Progress does happen though if we persist. If others appear "even more out of touch" then this creates some momentum, albeit somewhat uncomfortable at first. Shift happens though if we just persist. You have what it takes to do this Angela.
