Saturday 18 April 2015

From my ARP plan

’m doing more with digital tools and content than I thought I was.

To lead others (colleagues and parents ), to show how they are being used effectively I could make these changes

  • document in work program and show other teachers how to do the same
  • Teach the upper classroom teacher how to use the Managed INdividual Data plan for recording On Demand data
  • Teach students how to use iPads for recording what they have learned using this format
    • Choose one piece of work
    • Explain WHY we were doing the task
    • Explain WHAT you did
    • Explain HOW you did it

  • include a digital tool/item of the week in the newsletter explaining how digital tools and content help kids to learn.

I think I have to tell people more clearly what I am doing in class and why I am doing it. The change in leadership practice is that I need to persist and/or change my language to keep the message strong and accessible. AND I’ve realised that I can get through to other teachers by focussing my language on the benefits for student learning - I believe that it is implicit in everything I do, but others seem to need me to SAY it.

Does this make sense Alan?


  1. Makes sense to me Angela and the more explicit we can be, the better (even when it drives us a bit mad :)

  2. That's great Angela. When you are collecting data to address your Big Question, don't forget to find out from other educators from outside your school and identify "what understandings and skills” they have, that you need, to role model effective use ...
