Thursday 30 April 2015

Readings and viewings sinking in

I used to think that I was leading people by helping them to learn how to use new tech tools, giving them information about where to find great teaching resources or by providing a schedule or action plan. I thought that if I said I would help them, things would work, but I now see that people need to understand and believe in a change or new approach before they are open to learning how to do it.
I was also relying on my personal qualities (being honest and empathetic, compassionate, hardworking, positive, authentic, enthusiastic) to build strong relationships and therefore credibility to carry through my plans for change. I am starting to see that these things are important, but I need to combine my personal influence and skills with my knowledge and  understanding that people need to see what is in it for student learning....

People won't make changes for me because they like me, or because they trust me, but because I can show them how their students will achieve more if they follow me.

Of course, if they don't want to improve student learning that is something for another conversation.........


  1. ...yes...definitely for another conversation Angela.

    But seriously - what an aha! moment for you - having good interpersonal skills (as you clearly do) is just one part of the equation; knowing your strategy; knowing the WHY and the HOW and having the LANGUAGE to support your intentions are key to being able to bring people on board and along with you. And focusing on student learning - because that is the raison d'ĂȘtre for most teachers in the business - is the hook for enticing them to give you the time and engage with your ideas.

    What made you have this moment of realisation Ang?

  2. Well I was explaining some of Carol Dweck's mindset work for PD at our staff meeting on Tuesday, and ...burst into tears. It was the realisation that for my students and myself (hence the tears) that there are great possibilities beyond what you thought you could do, think or feel when your mindset is challenged or changed. I am not sure if it was the tears or the mindset stuff but the other teachers seemed to really get it and talked about it to me again through the day. It made me think of something I heard last week in my other course about people needing to know you and what you stand for. Then today we met again to put together an instructional plan for our school for teaching PBS...and...we actually had a proper conversation, made mutually acceptable decisions and....connected. We have been working together for 10 years and today I was able to cut through. Might regress tomorrow, but hey, it's progress. Thanks for your comments though - I am doing some deep exploration and learning....and feeling less afraid. Fairly reflective as well. Looking forward to next week's sojourn to the city. :-)

    1. The deep reflection is so important Ang and I admire you for having the guts to do it!

  3. I went 'WOW' twice reading your post Angela!
    Wow 1: "people need to understand and believe in a change or new approach before they are open to learning how to do it." People who love technology often just do not see this Angela, which is a shame because they then get frustrated because people do not respond to their urgings. When you think about it though it is the same in all areas of life. People talk to me enthusiastically about their dogs and I am just not into dogs. (I hope Nikki is not reading this!!!) My lack of interest in dogs is nothing to do with the dog owners or the dogs, it's about my preferences, it's about how I feel. Them being enthusiastic will do nothing to change my view. However, if they were to show me how you can train a dog to wash your car for you, help me improve my communications skills, help me to do things that are important to me in ways that are better, then you are going to pique my interest. I am going to want to listen to you talking about your dog. I might even end up getting a dog.

    A lot of teachers are not interested in technology as such. You need to give them a reason for taking an interest. That is the first hurdle. Realising that is an important part of developing yourself as a leader Angela.

    My second 'WOW' is related to the first, but involves us realising something about ourselves.

    Wow 2: "People won't make changes for me because they like me, or because they trust me, but because I can show them how their students will achieve more if they follow me." While this acknowledges what was said in Wow 1, knowing this will protect you from being hurt emotionally. It is always a risk if we link people acting upon what we say to how they feel about us personally. When you are asking people to make changes to the way they work things become complicated.

    Think about your own case. Do you make changes to your practice because someone you like said you should or do you make changes because you are convinced what they are saying is a really is a good idea? Your decision to go with something or to ignore it is not personal; it's not directed at the person who put the idea to you. Always separate your perceptions of what others think of you as a person from their responses to what you are encouraging them to do Angela; especially at work. Take a special note of the Marzano video that is one of the readings for Week 10. It is all about people's reactions towards leaders who are promoting different types of change.

  4. Hi Alan, thank you for your comments - I was really cheesed off the other day, and decided to take a break from the readings, viewings and contemplation, and stripped the varnish off an old drinks trolley. After that I wrote the post and since then I have felt less annoyed with my colleague who won't turn on her laptop at school!

    I'm sorry to say that I am with Nikki on the dog loving front - my little dog has been gone since January and I can only convince you of how great his company was and how he taught me about the effect my behaviour can have on others :) Nothing in it for you really! lol.

    Looking forward to Monday and Tuesday. :-)
