Saturday 6 June 2015

Ch ch ch changes

Don't you wonder about yourself when you get to 3 days out from a presentation and you think to yourself: I reckon Goal 1 needs to be different?
Our goal is currently about developing teacher understanding and knowledge of the new pedagogies of collaboration, connection, curiosity and communication.
Given the nature of our community, we may be better served focusing on creating the foundation for change.....educating about growth mindset and opening teacher minds to possibilities before we even start to talk about pedagogy or innovative use of technology in our classrooms. This stuff is currently embedded in our first goal, but it could be separated out into a goal of its own.
Until we create a safe environment for our teachers to innovate and take risks, where they can manage the perceived assaults to their self esteem and professional identity, we may not generate the momentum we seek.


  1. Interesting Ange...what does Chris think? Growth mindset is actually a very good first step and then the new pedagogies a good second step....hmmmm

  2. Chris thinks we have made a good start on the Growth Mindset stuff and while I need to ensure that we continue with developing and embedding it with all staff, I will be aiming to surreptitiously include new pedagogies within that PL and within the curriculum focused PL we'll do at the second weekly meetings. This is an area I believe has an urgency about it. Students aren't going to wait while we get our sh*t sorted out! Our moral purpose has to override egos. That doesn't mean I'll ignore sensitivities, I'll be gentle. I don't wear bother boots. But I've learned through this course not to be deceived by manipulators or recalcitrants, but to continue to maintain the rage, as it were.

  3. Chris has identified an important point. Students are already doing while teachers are asking needing to be cajoled into even considering acting. Eric Sheninger asks, "Whose learning is it anyway?" So it really does come down to the question, "Who are schools for- children or adults?" Being "gentle" is important to get guy-in. However, it is also significant that teachers have had their own DET leased laptops since 1995, yet many have never gone beyond email and booking their holidays online. They roll their eyes at the suggestion of reflective blogs, poo-hoo using Twitter, hurl at you questions about where the data is stored if you use Google Apps and fold their arms and sigh if you talk of global connections. This has been going on for over 20 years and the kids are now so far in front it's not funny. Schools are for children and we need to get that into our heads. If our colleagues won't move ahead then we as individuals can and we shouldn't let anyone stop us. Ange and Chris you are both fantastic examples of what teachers should be doing. Be an encouragement to your colleagues, but take no prisoners either. Children need teachers like both of you to advocate for them so that we can finally get this system changed! Good on you both!

  4. Man, I hope you are ready for what we're bringing may start off looking like death by powerpoint but don't be deceived!! Just ran into Ann and Alison at dinner - had brief convo about the LSDA workload. Being busy really concentrates the mind so you do what matters and what those SARPs call the "right work" ( and guess what, it doesn't involve laminating hahahah)

    Thanks for your time, effort and encouragement Alan, we have thoroughly enjoyed the course, moving through moments of irritation and discomfort. In fact, I fail to see why more and more tech tools and toys are thrust upon us like magic silver bullets without pedagogy or change planning simultaneously delivered to help leaders to meet the needs of their CONTEXT.

  5. Signing off and out from your blog now Ange - thanks so much for the wine yesterday, that was such a lovely thought...but I wild top into the BastowLSDA Alumni blog and follow you on Twitter.

    Stay in touch....and hope you're feeling a bit better.
