Thursday 25 June 2015

The Power of Student Voice

One of our students presented a slideshow at the final session of Auskick last night at the local football club. The student asked if she could prepare the slideshow and she did a fabulous job. Many adults in the audience were astonished and truly impressed by the presentation and the work she had put in.

This student learned how to create presentations at our school. It put me in mind of the power of student involvement in learning and in community events. I wondered to myself if the adults had any idea of what happens in the modern 21st Century classroom. For me it is a great example of how student voice and involvement can promote the teaching and learning that is occurring in all of our schools right here, right now.

I wonder also, how do other schools harness the power of student voice?


  1. Maybe have a student sub-committee of the curriculum committee, or whatever you want to call it? They could feed their suggestions into the curriculum committee? Even if they did not adopt many ideas, individual teachers could do so to role model how these ideas could work.

  2. Also you asked how other school harness the power of student voice. Unfortunately it is much under utilised. Why is that? Their is a dignity in having other people respectfully listen to what you have to say. Since we are educationg students for the students sake and not our own, why don't we give them more of a voice? It should be normal not something special. Rob King has a lot of involvement in this area and could be a good person to talk to Ange.
