Saturday 2 May 2015

Leading into the ICT Change Plan

So, my thoughts leading into developing the ICT Change Plan centre on:

Identifying the areas for improvement within our 2015 AIP and Strategic Plan. This year is our Peer Review year, so I would like to use the ICT Change Plan to contribute to the goals for the review.

An example of a top 3 areas for improvement in my school are:

Q1 How can we improve our literacy and numeracy results?
A1 Use explicit teaching approaches in areas identified from assessment such as on demand testing
Explicitly teach students about developing  a growth mindset (we are using Class Dojo,
A2 Learning experiences where students work at their own pace can have a significant impact on student achievement. Explore the use of learning management systems

Q2 How can we improve the perceptions in the community about teaching and learning in our school?
A1 Audit the range of ways in which we currently communicate,
A2 survey parents about additional ways we could use social media to share their children’s achievements - website, FB page, Twitter, YouTube, SchoolTube, Instagram, Class Dojo, Remind101
A3 Evaluate after at least 12 weeks
A4 Blog as a class - check out successful bloggers like Kathleen Morris, Kathy Cassidy

Q3 How can we improve trust and collaboration between teachers? How can we collaborate? How can I best demonstrate the power of connecting with others?
A3 share the blogging and twitterings from the LSDA course


  1. Remember Angela that this ARP is about your Big Question. Make sure you stick to answering that here. Having said that, the questions you are posing here will be useful for when you start your School ICT Change Plan

    Also, remember when you are developing your ICT Change Plan it should be future looking. If you are about to review your Strategic Plan you are at the end of a document that was assembled around goals that were made five years ago (well 4 anyway). Don't let the Strategic Plan constrain your ICT Change Plan, rather let your ICT Change Plan that you develop now inform your next Strategic Plan in 2016

  2. Meant to edit the title of the blogpost - it should read differently
