Tuesday 19 May 2015

PL small school style

As we move towards the end of the course, I am wondering how to keep using my blog after we take flight from the LSDA Launchpad.

So I thought I would reflect on our professional learning; small school style.

Today we explored aspects of traditional vs new pedagogies - sorting different elements into two columns. The discussion was in depth and positive. We identified that there was clearly room for direct teaching (which is a major feature of traditional pedagogy) and we were also able to visualise the changes that have taken place since each of us were at school. Given that we are all over 40, we had similar experiences to start with.

To follow up we watched a video about learning and the brain http://trainugly.com/portfolio/learning/ on www.trainugly.com

Positive discussion from that too - especially about the clarity of the video and its message, and how it could be used with students.

We then linked our work at school in mindsets to the mindfulness work being done in our local early childhood centre....should all fit together nicely.

Clear moral purpose, thorough preparation, time allocated for teacher PL and focus on student learning led to quality discussion....FANTASTIC!!

Have also finished my report for leading instructional practice and the ARP for LSDA. Life is good!


  1. Sounds like a really dynamic PL session Ange and coming from the best source for your staff: leadership and peers (I really like your traditional vs new pedagogy activity too)

  2. ... and where does 'speed dating' fit in Angela?

    1. Well from the work perspective :-) - we can do it about lessons we have tried in class using technology in innovative ways. ;-)

    2. It would be a good way for them to develop a project idea or give feedback. Maybe even to revise?
