Thursday 14 May 2015

ICT Change plan......from caterpillar to..........

Well, we've done some work on our change plan for school. I am really keen to do as Fullan suggests and have our leadership do the professional learning with the staff. I am also really keen to have achievable goals so we can experience success and build confidence.

I'm also spending some time each day having brief informal chats with colleagues about the work we are doing in LSDA, and how we can make it work in our context, with our small staff and how setting SMART goals will help us.

Also keeping a record of the questions people raise about using technology and how these questions flag perceived obstacles:
ie -
  1. disrupting learning
  2. interfering with classroom work
  3. not enough time to learn how to use it
  4. devices don't work
  5. where is the evidence that this works?
  6. when shown examples of more tech based schools - questions about $$$ and resources
  7. should we continue to "push" technology at primary school when at secondary schools  the students "stop using it"
 So my next thought is to develop scripted responses to these comments which are measured and allay fears and concerns while simultaneously reinforcing the expectations that a change in practices will occur


  1. Excellent thinking Ang - bringing the staff along with you by keeping them informed....

  2. One key to all the resistance is to demonstrate, show the naysayers by doing what you are saying can be done. Have kids present too. You can silence negatively with actions.

  3. Absolutely Alan - I'm just finding it really interesting to note down the responses from people. Instead of getting steamed up and trying to refute their comments immediately, I've been able to ask them to explain further and I am trying harder to listen and understand their point of view...that way, later on when we do professional learning I will be able to address their beliefs directly with any luck.

    1. Great strategy Ange - the better listening, the more accurate your PL plans can be, more targeted and thus more beneficial (but this shouldn't stop you from setting high expectations either)
