Tuesday 26 May 2015

Nimble Agile Innovators Leading Into Tomorrow

After watching the 21st Century Schools video and as I head off to the CEP (Country Education Partnership) Conference tomorrow night, I am wondering how they will define the approach to  take in rural settings for the future and nail it.

As a measure of comparison with our LSDA Odyssey I will be interested to know how many times the words agile, nimble, innovation and new pedagogies are used at the conference this Thursday and Friday!

And bah - the news right now says kids can't write because of iPad overuse.

What rubbish. - where's the evidence beyond a 10 second sound grab from ONE early childhood teacher and a parent.


  1. Well let me tell you - the debate between writing and technology is bunkum - why? Because one does not exclude the other. When we catch up in ac couple of weeks, get me to tell you about my son's 4th grade teacher and her fascist attention to 'f' cursive!

    Have fun at the conference....

  2. Look forward to it. Have fun with Eric!

  3. I have had the same discussion with numerous educators about how technology is killing reading. I'll use Nikki's Oxford expression ... bunkum too! The books vs digital device for reading is about the preferred medium - ink and paper versus a digital display - it's nothing to do with reading. You are reading this aren't you? Would it be different if I wrote it on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope (which I put my spit on when I lick the glue to seal it ... ewwww) and then you get it a few days later and read it. The reading is exactly the same. This books vs technology thing is nothing to do with reading. I can understand why self interested book manufacturers would be keen to pretend it was about reading though.

  4. If book manufacturers got together with Aurasma or Blippar to make interactive augmented reality books, they might be right onto something!! I've just discovered the potential for using AR in our newsletters - imagine being able to scan a photo in the newsletter that takes you to a video of the kids in the classroom. Cookin with gas!!!! Another cliché to befuddle the masses! :-)

  5. It is more base than that Angela. What happens to the printers, ink makers, paper manufacturers? They aren't interested in what is better or why. Change will cost them too much. That is all it is about for them. Doors opening and closing. The band was still playing when the Titanic went down, or so they say!
